Campaigns | Rachel Orland
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These are the social media campaigns I have worked on. These campaigns provided the opportunity to view and execute campaigns holistically, from primary research to tactic execution and reporting. Through these, I found my passion for storytelling through a variety of media for meaningful clients with distinct goals and objectives. Every campaign is based off research and centered around strategy. 


OG+E "Light the Way"

AffiliationPublic Relations Campaigns Capstone class at the University of Oklahoma

Client: OG+E

Goal: Increase awareness of ongoing recruitment efforts and scholarship opportunities for high school students.

Campaign details:  I served as account executive with my team to conduct extensive research, involving man-on-the-street interviews with trade students at trade schools across the state, and created a strategic communications campaign. As the account executive and action strategy coordinator, my role was to keep the team on track with each assignment, ensuring regular meetings and communication between all team members for cohesive assignments and tactics. We presented our campaign to the OG+E team and was awarded first place out of all of our classes teams.

This is the pitch presentation my team created for our final presentation. This was a half hour presentation that included a modified version of our campaign book. The OG+E team made their decision of what agency would win the deal based on both the campaign book and the presentation


Greenwood Cultural Center "100 Year Tulsa Race Massacre"

Client: Greenwood Cultural Center

Goal: Increase awareness of the upcoming centennial of the Tulsa Race Massacre and the events the center would be hosting

AffiliationSocial Media Strategies class at the University of Oklahoma

Campaign detailsI worked for one semester with a team to conduct secondary and primary research, create a strategic communications plan centering around social media, and produce and execute tactics. We created key personas, set SMART objectives, and crafted a crisis communications plan based off of our research. My team and I worked as an agency to collaborate with the client and produce quality tactics that would be posted to their social accounts. As the social media strategist, my role was to set up objectives and ensure tactics were in line with our objectives and goals. The campaign was successful and reached the set objectives along with increasing the social media platform metrics like followers, shares and likes.


"Discover Arezzo" Social Media Campaign

Affiliation: Gaylord 360: Storytelling without Walls class through the University of Oklahoma at OU in Arezzo

Client: Discover Arezzo

Goal: Increase awareness of and tourism to Arezzo, a small Tuscan city that was overshadowed by more publicized cities in the surrounding regions.

Campaign detailsThis campaign took place during my summer spent studying abroad in Arezzo, Italy. Over the course of five weeks our team conducted research in order to create a strategic communications plan. We chose to focus on social media since the target audience was couples in their mid-twenties who enjoyed traveling. As part of the research team, I worked with a team to conduct man-on-the-street interviews and craft and distribute a survey.  We rebranded the client, providing them a brand guideline document, and drafted tactics for posting on their social accounts.  

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